jiangzhengwenjz 发表于 2023-10-24 04:10:40

Pokémon Grey beta 1【英文火红改版】




Name: Pokémon Grey
Hack Of: Pokémon FireRed (BPRE)
Creator: Astar
Language: English


A missing person always has a family.
You just never expect that family to be yours.
Six years ago was the day you lost your Sister forever...
She was in our world one minute and gone the next.

Six years later and it's time to put the past to rest.
You've got a job working as one of Professor. Cedar's Aides.
However things are not what you'd expect them to be.
Your surrounded by lies and chaos and every time you get
close to the truth it slips further out of reach.


* A whole new adventure set in the Vayne region.
* A brand new Hero to play as. (Trainer Grey).
* New tiles to give the game more beauty.
* Unusual starter Pokémon to make the game more difficult.
* ASM features such as time based events.

And much more!


Me: Everything that nobody else does.
Ray Maverick: Mapper/ Tile editor.
Shiny Quagsire: ASM Hacker.


JPAN: For making an awesome engine!
ZodiacDaGreat & Intrdpth: For their fantastic D/N system.
Shiny Quagsire/Sparkles: For making ASM routines for me.
Colcolstyles: For all his help with ASM.
Leachim_Paloyz15: Allowing me to use the region name 'Vayne'.
~Red~: For making my cool userbar, please use it!
Cilerba: Thread CSS Logo.
NiKaNoRoU: For making the Rival's Overworld.

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DPx-Eu6GPJYpT3j2tPwaRA 提取码: **** Hidden Message *****

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