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Pokemon Rocket Rising 1.1【RMVX Ace英文】









Rank: 26Rank: 26Rank: 26Rank: 26Rank: 26Rank: 26



发表于 2023-11-9 09:05:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The Plot
Welcome to Rocket Rising: A game where you get to play as a member of Team Rocket.

But first... You are in the beginning of your Pokemon Journey, and admittedly, having some trouble. You barely won 2 badges, and just won the Nugget Bridge challenge, when everything you've worked so hard for is stripped from you.
You are left with only one, single Pokemon.
Team Rocket provides Pokemon, and you need Pokemon so... you join up, just for a little while, to get back on your feet.
But all this stealing and cheating gives you an edge. You start winning more often, and against stronger opponents.
You start to think... maybe there's a different path to becoming a Master of Pokemon.

Current Features
~Active Time Battle: The number of attacks you get are based on speed. This gives faster, but weaker, pokemon a fighting chance against the slower, heavy hitters.
~3 Pokemon per Battle: You can have many Pokemon with you, but only 3 in a battle.
~Skill Usage System: Pokemon can have as many abilities as they can learn, they aren't limited to 4, and they can learn moves either by leveling up or by using their old ones. Thundershock will turn into Thunderbolt when used a certain amount of times, and can "upgrade" mid-battle!
~Recruitment: In certain situations you can recruit people to join Team Rocket. This might involve beating them in a battle, helping them out, or simply talking to them.
~Cheat Items: Throughout the game you can get items that have strong effects on enemies, like instantly poisoning them, draining all their energy, or making your own Pokemon almost invulnerable to damage. These are meant to give you an unfair advantage during tough battles.
~Mutagen: You can get rare items called 'Mutagens'. These mutate your Pokemon and give them a partial secondary type, giving them new moves, new strengths, and a new, sometimes frightening, appearance.
~Things Change: The more dangerous and successful you become, the more the world around you will notice and adjust accordingly.
People will talk to you differently, different areas will become open or closed to you, and you can see areas change over time because of your actions.
~Gray Morality:Are you loyal to yourself? Your organization? Or something in-between? The game presents you with many different choices, go find your own unique path!

So a long, long time ago, when I was playing Pokemon Red for the first time, I beat Nugget Bridge. And I got offered a job at Team Rocket! And I was stoked.

And then became very disappointed when you could not actually give up your 'Pokemon Master' dream to go join a criminal organization.
Eventually, since the desire to play a game like that never went away, I decided to make one of my own. A game where you can break the rules a little. Something that felt a little different from other Pokemon games.

I'm using parts of Crystal Noel's "Pokemon For Ace" for the program RPGMaker Vx Ace.
Right now there's about 20?? hours of gameplay.

Resources from Pokemon Essentials
Resources and Scripts from Crystal for Ace
Crystalnoel42's(???) field script for Party Leader
Fomar0153's Line of Sight, and Learn Skills by Usage script
Yanfly's Battle and Save Engine, Party script, and JP Manager
Yami's ATB script
Casper Achievement scripts
V.M. Proximity Script
Mr. Bubble Tactics Ogre Crafting script
Bulbapedia for info, map images, etc. This would be much harder without them.
Autumnal's tutorial on Passive Skills
William TheUnproPro's tutorial on saving event locations
rm2k3_rulez tutorial on setting up a Pokemon style Casino
modern algebra for the Hover Alert script
Dainekoichi for Store and Release Damage script
shaz for State Remove/Add script

Casino ("Let's Join", Dragon Warrior)
Department Store (.hack//GU)
Growlithe Boss Battle ("Triggernometry", Red Dead Redemption)
Silph Boss Battles: ("The Thirteenth Struggle", Kingdom Hearts 2, Remix by Sonicwave1000)
Cave Music ( "Another Order" Resident Evil 4)
Museum Puzzle music ("Forbode" from The World Ends With You)
Saffron Pokemon Center ("Nadia Krall's Theme", Contact)
Cerulean Cave ("Dark Temple", Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs)
Vermilion City remix from xXchainchomp01

Pokemon Toxic Purple
Pokemon Rocket Science
Pokemon Colosseum
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Super Pokemon Eevee Edition

I've made RocketRisingtemp.exe so that if you go Right out of Celadon, there'll be a lockpick hidden in the furthest right flower.
Hopefully that should fix your lockpick troubles.

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FbIC4qc4mbs4IY3JVr0PeA 提取码:

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