【10.21更新下载内容】ORAS Demo 老外破解成果(来自Project Pokemon)
本帖最后由 jiangzhengwenjz 于 2014-12-8 16:15 编辑转载请注明出处!
**** Hidden Message *****
ORAS Dumps: Credit to Bond697/Mat, Slashmolder, Kaphotics, SciresM
Day 2 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/zPgwx6mb
Pokemon Files (PKX/EKX) easily dumped, shiny values should return for ORAS. No change in size structure.
Box Sprites, Item Sprites, Ribbons, Contest Stat UI:
Download - http://projectpokemon.org/research/oras/
Trainer Mugshots - http://projectpokemon.org/research/oras/oras_demo_trainermugshots.zip
Close up - https://imgur.com/a/Rjd5E
Full Body - https://imgur.com/a/6y6ec
Trainer Teams: http://pastebin.com/dXJ5fyEm
Encounter Tables: http://pastebin.com/kuaCTYF6
Music (converted to wav) https://anonfiles.com/file/c5127fcebb0f6aab7aa2fa6012997879
Move Tutor/TMs: http://pastebin.com/zwG6puPT
Tutor Moves by Tutor: http://pastebin.com/zAtEmXZk
Tutor Moves by Pokemon: http://pastebin.com/8rbu6Fmp
Level Up Moves: http://pastebin.com/16baa7Yk - Demo has altered learnsets for obtainables.
Egg Moves: http://pastebin.com/hzFmncB6
Ball Textures:http://imgur.com/a/m5H03
120x120 Dex Sprites(+shiny):http://projectpokemon.org/dumps/oras_120x120.zip
Pokedex UI Sprites: http://imgur.com/a/csTj9
Gym Leaders / E4 vs textpics: http://imgur.com/a/vfYOG
Bottom Screen Backgrounds: http://imgur.com/a/7MHYo
TutorSource1: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,
TutorSource2: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,
TutorSource3: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,
TutorSource4: 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,
"Smart" contest stat is now "Clever"
Moves: (Descriptions stubbed in text files)
618 Origin Pulse - Water Special, 85%, 110 BP, 10 PP
619 Precipice Blades - Ground Physical, 85%, 120 BP, 10 PP
620 Dragon Ascent - Flying Physical, 100%, 120 BP, 5 PP (effect code present)
621 Hyperspace Fury - Dark Special, 101%, 100 BP, 5 PP (Always hits, effect code present)
Text http://projectpokemon.org/research/oras/a073.txt
Script http://projectpokemon.org/research/oras/a081.txt
Map Names http://pastebin.com/0sMLHj5F
Item List http://pastebin.com/6ivRuLdX
Secret Islet
Soaring in the sky
Secret Shore
Secret Meadow
Secret Base
Item Names (Parenthetical Hypothetical)
744 - Mega Bracelet
748 - Mega Stickpin
752 - Swampertite,
753 - Sceptilite
754 - (Sableite)
756 - (Gallite)
758 - Metagrossite
759 - (Shapedite)
761 - Steelixite
763 - Glalite
767 - (Cameruptite)
769 - (Salamencite)
Base Stats for New Megas
No surprising/unknown abilities, revealed already; all the same (1/2/hidden).
Hoopa still has Magician. http://i.imgur.com/GfY2tVV.png
Index: 799 - Swampert-M Stats: 100/150/110/95/110/70 Type: Water/Ground Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
Index: 800 - Sceptile-M Stats: 70/110/75/145/85/145 Type: Grass/Dragon Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
Index: 801 - Sableye-M Stats: 50/85/125/85/115/20 Type: Dark/Ghost Catchrate: 45 Stage: 2
Index: 802 - Altaria-M Stats: 75/110/110/110/105/80 Type: Dragon/Fairy Catchrate: 45 Stage: 2
Index: 803 - Gallade-M Stats: 68/165/95/65/115/110 Type: Psychic/Fighting Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
Index: 804 - Audino-M Stats: 103/60/126/80/126/50 Type: Normal/Fairy Catchrate: 255 Stage: 2
Index: 805 - Sharpedo-M Stats: 70/140/70/110/65/105 Type: Water/Dark Catchrate: 60 Stage: 2
Index: 806 - Slowbro-M Stats: 95/75/180/130/80/30 Type: Water/Psychic Catchrate: 75 Stage: 2
Index: 807 - Steelix-M Stats: 75/125/230/55/95/30 Type: Steel/Ground Catchrate: 25 Stage: 2
Index: 808 - Pidgeot-M Stats: 83/80/80/135/80/121 Type: Normal/Flying Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
Index: 809 - Glalie-M Stats: 80/120/80/120/80/100 Type: Ice/Ice Catchrate: 75 Stage: 2
Index: 810 - Diancie-M Stats: 50/160/110/160/110/110 Type: Rock/Fairy Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
Index: 811 - Metagross-M Stats: 80/145/150/105/110/110 Type: Steel/Psychic Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
Index: 812 - Kyogre-P Stats: 100/150/90/180/160/90 Type: Water/Water Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
Index: 813 - Groudon-P Stats: 100/180/160/150/90/90 Type: Ground/Fire Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
Index: 814 - Rayquaza-M Stats: 105/180/100/180/100/115 Type: Dragon/Flying Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
815-820 are Cosplay Pikachu forms
Index: 821 - Hoopa-? Stats: 80/160/60/170/130/80 Type: Psychic/Dark Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
Index: 822 - Camerupt-M Stats: 70/120/100/145/105/20 Type: Fire/Ground Catchrate: 150 Stage: 2
Index: 823 - Lopunny-M Stats: 65/136/94/54/96/135 Type: Normal/Fighting Catchrate: 60 Stage: 2
Index: 824 - Salamence-M Stats: 95/145/130/120/90/120 Type: Dragon/Flying Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
Index: 825 - Beedrill-M Stats: 65/150/40/15/80/145 Type: Bug/Poison Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
Item Inventory: NO MORE MEGAS
718 - Key Item (Usable) /0
719 - Key Item (Usable) /1
720 - Key Item /6
721 - Key Item /C
722 - Key Item /E
723 - Key Item /14
724 - Key Item (Usable) /9
725 - Key Item /B
726 - Key Item /24
727 - Key Item /14
728 - Key Item /F
729 - Key Item /1C
730 - Key Item /16
731 - Key Item /17
732 - Key Item /18
733 - Key Item /19
734 - Key Item /15
735 - Key Item /11
736 - Key Item /1B
737 - (Usable) /6A
738 - Key Item /12
739 - Key Item /D
740 - Key Item /D
741 - Key Item /13
742 - Key Item /13
743 - Key Item /1A
744 - Key Item /10
... key items not listed /FF
751 - Key Item /1C
752 - 80 BP Fling 1/92 - Swampert
753 - 80 BP Fling 1/75 - Sceptile
754 - 80 BP Fling 1/8F - Sableye
755 - 80 BP Fling 1/7A
756 - 80 BP Fling 1/6A - Gallade
757 - 80 BP Fling 1/78
758 - 80 BP Fling 1/8D - Metagross
759 - 80 BP Fling 1/74 - Sharpedo
760 - 80 BP Fling 1/8E
761 - 80 BP Fling 1/7D - Steelix
762 - 80 BP Fling 1/82
763 - 80 BP Fling 1/6B - Glalie
764 - 80 BP Fling 1/7B
765 - Key Item (Usable)/23
766 - Key Item /10
767 - 80 BP Fling 1/7E - Camerupt
768 - 80 BP Fling 1/8A
769 - 80 BP Fling 1/88 - Salamence
770 - 80 BP Fling 1/77
771 - Key Item /1C
772 - Key Item /1C
773 - Key Item /FF
774 - Key Item /1C
775 - Key Item A/0A (usable)
ORAS Dumps: Credit to Bond697/Mat, Slashmolder, Kaphotics, SciresM
Day 1 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/eKAmvkQn
Day 2 ~ Below is what we've found over the course of today (newest first):
Habitat List Confirmed; Black/White Flute (high/low level influence) confirmed.
Prism Scale can no longer be obtained via Pickup. Destiny Knot is now found instead. Beauty evolution encouraged!
TM94 Secret Power*
HM01 Cut
HM02 Fly
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall
HM06 Rock Smash*
Pokemon Files (PKX/EKX) easily dumped, SHINY VALUES return for ORAS (as expected). No change in size/usage structure. Pokemon memories confirmed to be in ORAS. Assuming no modification when traded, ORAS mons will show a Pentagon in X/Y.
Demo's game-origin value is 26, right after X/Y's 24/25. Alpha Sapphire is 26, which is the demo's base; Omega Ruby is 27. Only 2 more games can display a Pentagon on X/Y (28/29), subsequently numbered games will not. Who knows, maybe Red/Blue remakes like FRLG in 2016 for the 20 yr anniversary?
Ability Index Numbers
189 - Primordial Sea
190 - Desolate Land
191 - Delta Stream
Cloud Nine move usage is not restricted by Heavy Weather, Mold Breaker however is still restricted.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ot3Njdzvc
Switching/fainting a Pokemon with a heavy weather ability will cause it to cease.
Switching in a Heavy Weather Pokemon will override the current Heavy Weather.
Switching in a Heavy Weather will override existing Heavy Weather (last in speed bracket).
Golduck Confirmed Ubers: 252+ SpA Golduck Surf vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Groudon: 408-480 (100.9 - 118.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Form/Height: http://pastebin.com/AKm9Bspb
Yeaa, Hoopa's form is 21 feet tall.
Primal Reversion should be triggered by Red / Blue Orb as a held item. They are no longer Key Items.
Jade Orb: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 02 00 00 00 00 00 FF Still Key Item
Red Orb:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 00 00 00 00 01 00 68
Blue Orb: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 00 00 00 00 01 00 68
Key Items have 3F/1F "02", as the 9th bit of that u16 is the "Key Item" flag. Red/Blue no longer have them!
Stubbed Key Items (that shouldn't be obtainable) usually are FF for bag position priority.
VS Seeker is still an unusable key item.
Mossdeep City Textures
Unreleased Moves in Action (Stubbed, but proof).
Mega/Primal Marks & X/Y Badge Silhouettes (leftover?)
Trainer Teams dump updated to include movesets/abilities:
716 - Mega Charm now has a sprite.
717 - Stubbed Item (Mega Glove from XY)
745 - Stubbed Item
746 - Stubbed Item
747 - Stubbed Item
748 - Stubbed Item
749 - Stubbed Item
750 - Stubbed Item
NO MORE MEGA EVOLUTIONS - Mega Stone Index Numbers Dumped from Mega Evolution Map Files:
752 - 80 BP Fling 1/92 - Swampert
753 - 80 BP Fling 1/75 - Sceptile
754 - 80 BP Fling 1/8F - Sableye
755 - 80 BP Fling 1/7A - Altaria
756 - 80 BP Fling 1/6A - Gallade
757 - 80 BP Fling 1/78 - Audino
758 - 80 BP Fling 1/8D - Metagross
759 - 80 BP Fling 1/74 - Sharpedo
760 - 80 BP Fling 1/8E - Slowbro
761 - 80 BP Fling 1/7D - Steelix
762 - 80 BP Fling 1/82 - Pidgeot
763 - 80 BP Fling 1/6B - Glalie
764 - 80 BP Fling 1/7B - Diancie
765 - Key Item (Usable)/23 - Not a mega stone.
766 - Key Item /10 - Not a mega stone.
767 - 80 BP Fling 1/7E - Camerupt
768 - 80 BP Fling 1/8A - Lopunny
769 - 80 BP Fling 1/88 - Salamence
770 - 80 BP Fling 1/77 - Beedrill
Extended header:
Signature: 0E659E2140F4B05E1F2CB97DE0B1B5754BAE1E550F0545AB50F0AF3EE1382B25
Name: sango-sp
Flag: 03
Remaster version: 0000
Code text address: 0x00100000
Code text size: 0x00465CFC
Code text max pages: 0x00000466 (0x00466000)
Code ro address: 0x00566000
Code ro size: 0x0006EC20
Code ro max pages: 0x0000006F (0x0006F000)
Code data address: 0x005D5000
Code data size: 0x000418A0
Code data max pages: 0x00000042 (0x00042000)
Code bss size: 0x0007EC20
Code stack size: 0x00040000
Dependency: 0004013000002402
Dependency: 0004013000003802
Dependency: 0004013000001502
Dependency: 0004013000003402
Dependency: 0004013000001602
Dependency: 0004013000002602
Dependency: 0004013000001702
Dependency: 0004013000001802
Dependency: 0004013000002702
Dependency: 0004013000002802
Dependency: 0004013000001A02
Dependency: 0004013000003202
Dependency: 0004013000001B02
Dependency: 0004013000001C02
Dependency: 0004013000001D02
Dependency: 0004013000002902
Dependency: 0004013000001E02
Dependency: 0004013000003302
Dependency: 0004013000001F02
Dependency: 0004013000002002
Dependency: 0004013000002B02
Dependency: 0004013000003502
Dependency: 0004013000002C02
Dependency: 0004013000002D02
Dependency: 0004013000002102
Dependency: 0004013000003102
Dependency: 0004013000002202
Dependency: 0004013000003702
Dependency: 0004013000002E02
Dependency: 0004013000002302
Dependency: 0004013000002F02
Savedata size: 0x00100000
Jump id: 000400000014A300
Program id: 000400000014A300
Flags: 0200000000000430
Core version: 0x2
System mode: 0x0
Ideal processor: 0
Affinity mask: 1
Main thread priority: 48
Ext savedata id: 0000000000000000
System savedata id: 0000000000000000
Access info: 00000000000000
Other attributes: 00
Mapping static address: 0x1FF50000 (RW)
Mapping static address: 0x1FF58000 (RW)
Mapping static address: 0x1FF70000 (RW)
Mapping static address: 0x1FF78000 (RW)
Mapping static address: 0x1F000000 (RO)
Mapping static address: 0x1F600000 (RO)
Kernel flags:
> Allow debug: YES
> Force debug: NO
> Allow non-alphanum:NO
> Shared page writing: NO
> Privilege priority:NO
> Allow main() args: NO
> Shared device mem: NO
> Runnable on sleep: NO
> Special memory: NO
> Memory type: APPLICATION
Handle table size: 0x200
Kernel release version: 2.39
Allowed systemcalls: 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B
0x0C, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17
0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F
0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28
0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x30
0x31, 0x32, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A
0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D
Allowed interrupts: none
ARM9 Desc. version: 0x2
Mount NAND fs: NO
Mount NAND RO write fs: NO
Mount NAND TWL fs: NO
Mount NAND W fs: NO
Mount CARD SPI fs: NO
Create seed: NO
SD Application: NO
Use Direct SDMC: NO
Service access: $hioFIO
Service access: $hostio0
Service access: $hostio1
Service access: cfg:u
Service access: fs:USER
Service access: gsp::Gpu
Service access: hid:USER
Service access: ndm:u
Service access: pxi:dev
Service access: APT:A
Service access: ac:u
Service access: act:u
Service access: am:app
Service access: boss:U
Service access: cam:u
Service access: cecd:u
Service access: dlp:FKCL
Service access: dlp:SRVR
Service access: dsp::DSP
Service access: frd:u
Service access: http:C
Service access: ir:USER
Service access: ldr:ro
Service access: mic:u
Service access: news:u
Service access: nim:aoc
Service access: nwm::UDS
Service access: ptm:u
Service access: soc:U
Service access: ssl:C
Service access: y2r:u
Reslimit category: 00
ORAS Dumps: Credit to Bond697/Mat, Slashmolder, Kaphotics, SciresM, KazoWAR and OmegaDonut
Day 4: http://pastebin.com/gyY3FF0p
Day 1: http://pastebin.com/eKAmvkQn
Day 2: http://pastebin.com/zPgwx6mb
Day 3 ~ Below is what we've found over the course of the day (newest first):
CONFIRMED: PRIMAL REVERSION does not prevent MEGA EVOLUTION or vice versa. Can have both. (2 primals too!)
CONFIRMED: RED/BLUE ORB HELD ITEMS trigger PRIMAL REVERSION when the Pokemon is switched in.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbt-u67g1Fc
(Since the party stats are corrupt, it will display the mega form sprite as that flag is set?)
(Unown-? is the placeholder for "MissingNo" data!)
Primal Markings (from Day 2) http://imgur.com/a/mkeTo
Pokemon Cries: http://pastebin.com/9AaLzD43
Includes Hoopa's Form @4559.cwar
RAM Injection of PKX's feasible, just injected Hoopa into the demo. Appears with the "?".
Used 765 on the injected Hoopa. Hoopa changed Forme! CONFIRMED FORM. CONFIRMED FORM CHANGE ITEM.
Transform Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQTgC8KC0n4
Roller Skates confirmed to not be in OR/AS (defunct item).
HG/SS balls still nonfunctional.
718 - Mach Bike
719 - Acro Bike
Bike Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PDvoSmbJ2Q
724 -
737 - HM07 Dive (sorry, not a key item, is like every other HM)
765 - Key Item Usable on a Pokemon (we're believe this is for Hoopa to change formes)
775 - Eon Flute
All Languages Text: https://mega.co.nz/#!WdtggRAa!BIX1nm6zkw1rO4d_Bxm_euSj0yBK7MNN-sEeTwkdHko
Texture Dump: https://mega.co.nz/#!jUdgnKoR!yUqpCRTVIt5kaZJENo76Ywfoh-BxmygDO3XSA2yAl3c
Everything should be shiny locked in the demo, only shiny textures are for Metagross. Looks like they screwed up for the Hoenn starters (no change in texture but can be shiny)
http://imgur.com/a/zNKnX (rom compression makes them not as neat as a vector image)
Battle May ~ http://www.models-resource.com/other_systems/pokemonoras/model/8371/
Overworld May ~ http://www.models-resource.com/other_systems/pokemonoras/model/8379/
Demo save file decrypted. Powersaves and CyberGadget should be able to support OR/AS for cartridges quickly.
The structure of a demo save file is VERY similar to X/Y. Already mentioned yesterday that KeySAV/Shiny Values will work.
こんげんのはどう,Origin Pulse,Onde Originelle,Primopulsar,Ursprungswoge,Pulso Primigenio,근원의파동
だんがいのつるぎ,Precipice Blades,Lame Pangéenne,Spade Telluriche,Abgrundsklinge,Filo del Abismo,단애의칼
ガリョウテンセイ,Dragon Ascent,Draco Ascension,Ascesa del Drago,Zenitstürmer,Ascenso Draco,화룡점정
いじげんラッシュ,Hyperspace Fury,Furie Dimension,Urtodimensionale,Dimensionswahn,Cerco Dimensión,다른차원러시
Hoenn Regional Pokedex: http://pastebin.com/G9Xz7Kkm
VGC guessed to be these^Hoenn only
ORAS Dumps: Credit to Bond697/Mat, Slashmolder, Kaphotics, SciresM, KazoWAR and OmegaDonut
Day 1: http://pastebin.com/eKAmvkQn
Day 2: http://pastebin.com/zPgwx6mb
Day 3: http://pastebin.com/Y439ecxq
Day 4 ~ Below is what we've found over the course of the day (newest first):
Rayquaza's Mega Evolution trigger is not holding Red / Blue / Jade (hacked) Orb.
(more evidence that an event flag is part of the criteria ~ however, not all of it)
Trainer Pokemon IVs: http://pastebin.com/dXJ5fyEm
Delta Stream does not reduce or prevent Stealth Rock damage.
Rayquaza does not Mega Evolve with only knowing Dragon Ascent. (Might be an event flag enabler or something else)
Stealth Rock damage is applied before Primal Reversion occurs.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkuhEPpzFjY
Omega/Alpha markings do in fact appear on Primal Reversion.
(The earlier video posted yesterday erroneously showed the Mega marking due to our RAM hacking corrupting battle stats) 我来看看吧~ 本帖最后由 钢之波导 于 2014-10-17 17:54 编辑
恩恩,真不错,支持 回复看看 支持,加油 謝謝分享痾~~~ 不错啊感谢lz 亲~能图文并茂吗?或者 翻一一下 先留着,说不定以后用得着 wow!破解了!
............. 谢谢楼主分享 好牛啊!这可是天外有天,人外有人啊! 我只是好奇我能看懂什么。